This will take some time for me to think about, but you have a beautiful mind. Thank you for sharing your voice.

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This seems like such an easy question (I thought that when you posted on Twitter and again when I read this, yet it's a challenge! There's a post I've been scouring the internet for, but can no longer find. For now, here are a couple (but I may be back with more).

1)Anything my friend Jess wrote -- she's not as active a blogger now (and she really should do a book), but for a period of years, she was (IMO) one of the most articulate voices about helping people understand life with a family member w/autism. Here's one she wrote for parents who've just learned their kids have autism: https://adiaryofamom.com/2009/05/01/welcome-to-the-club/

2) I think Ann Patchett does some great writing about the art of writing. Her book "This is the Story of a Happy Marriage" has a title that does not accurately reflect what many of the essays are about. This article touches on some of that (without forcing someone to buy a book or the standalone essay "Getaway Car." (And I love the line, "Reading and writing are completely intertwined for me. It’s like walking with two feet.") https://www.huffpost.com/entry/writer-wednesday-ann-patchett-writing_n_1007457

3) For now (but I may be back!) ... many things I like fall in a category: "longform writing that delves into sometimes-small (and sometimes-big) issues but really dig into them in a well-researched way that also touches on the humanity of those involved. This is an article I chose for the city manager newsletter at SmartBrief when I wasn't happy with the search I had been given and did a little digging of my own. It has so much -- some highly personal themes, history, a look at municipal planning and how one thing relates to another. It made me care about this place, feel that I knew these people, and understand the ramifications of poor planning decisions on the town's future. https://www.citylab.com/environment/2019/05/ellicott-city-flood-control-historic-downtown-memorial-day/589054/

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Obviously, I could’ve never written something like this. Scoop is one of the best. But, as a White Sox fan, he perfectly explained what it was like for us in 2005. I re-read this often and, that’s saying something considering it’s nearly 15 years old.

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I mean, no way I could have written this, but I just read this eulogy of Toni Morrison that Doreen St. Félix wrote and it's the work of a master. https://www.newyorker.com/books/page-turner/toni-morrison-and-what-our-mothers-couldnt-say

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“God’s Away on Business,” tho.

Honestly, it didn’t just convince my Long Island ass to fall in love with CFB, it was so good it got my Arkansan wife to allow me to do it.

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https://www.mcsweeneys.net/articles/societys-problems-can-be-traced-to-coddling-parents-and-i-know-this-because-i-have-researched-it-deeply-while-staring-out-the-window-and-thinking This is a PERFECT takedown of David Brooks. It pares down his intellectual bankruptcy with laser focus. Just *chef's kiss*.

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